At ThinkNear, we have an in-house administrative dashboard that our ad operations team uses to set up and manage ad campaigns. The dashboard is an AngularJS frontend with a Ruby on Rails backend, with the ui-router plugin for permalinks and navigation. While ngNewsletter’s Diving deep into the AngularUI Router was a helpful primer, while creating the system we found it didn’t go deep enough. This post describes how we used ui-router’s Nested Views feature to achieve the site layout we wanted.
Our object hierarchy goes Contract > Insertion Order > Campaign. We have many Contracts, Contracts can have many Insertion Orders, and Insertion Orders can have many Campaigns. Ad Ops often needed to reference one object while working on another. They preferred to open multiple tabs or browser windows and look at them side-by-side. They need an easy way to open multiple Contract tabs from the main list, and a good single-Contract view. They wanted to be able to use the back button to go up the hierarchy. And they wanted to be able to pass around short links to specific objects that loaded quickly.
Read the full post at the ThinkNear Engineering blog